
I want to popularize Japanese music — J-pop, enka, and jazz etc., to the world. International music of all types have little exposure in this country because the media only plays and promotes American popular music. My first exposure to J-pop was listening to early j-pop stars like Hiromi Iwasaki, Anne Lewis, and Seiko Matsuda. I want to highlight the talented but more obscure and unknown performers. For instance, J-pop music is very broad genre that incorporates American popular music such as rock, hip hop, rap,and jazz, euro-dance, and Japanese music. It is usually more upbeat and also emphasizes the beat or the harmony rather than the lyrics. J-pop is much different that American popular music but with an open mind you can appreciate it.

  1. Sebastian Alvarez says:

    Hi there, I thought you might be interested in this album:



    • shionoe says:

      Hi Sebastian

      Warui Musuko is a gagaku musician (Japanese Imperial Court Music and Dance) and one of my jazz musician friends incorporated gagaku into his music. Seems like Warui has infused some modern influences into his music. Let me listen more intently on Warui Musuko’s music. Thank you for sharing

  2. shionoe says:

    Let me do some research and I’ll try to find it

  3. sanjotown says:


    Sorry for the wait I was planning for the next article for my music blog and doing some research on Mark Izu.

    You can hear some integration of gagaku sounds in these songs:

    He has You Tube videos but I don’t have time to listen and watch all of his You Tube videos

    Mark Izu’s website: http://www.firstvoice.org/markizu

    Article I wrote about Asian American Jazz musicians including Mark Izu. I know many Asian American Jazz musicians:


  4. 白雪 夢 says:

    Thank you for your good blog sharing Japanese music 🙂

    Are there any other SNS we can follow you or contact you? (Twitter, instagram, facebook,…).

    Kind regards and congratulations!

    • shionoe says:

      Hello 白雪 夢

      You can follow my wordpress blog by the link on the bottom of my page

      I have a facebook and instagram page (instagram I only use to access information)

      You can follow through facebook — please tell me about yourself and why you enjoy Japanese popular music

      Then send me your facebook homepage and then we can follow each other

      I often post new Japanese music regularly on my facebook site

      • 白雪 夢 says:

        Hello!! I’m sorry, but I can’t find your facebook site… could you please write down the link here?
        Thank you!!

  5. Great site ! I am not from Japan, I’m Swede. I have a melodic techno track for release 13 june with japanese a thematic. Might be something you like 🙂
    Title: Stars Aligned

    DJ preview mix:

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